Hardware Calculator

With the help of the Wavesys online calculator, you can quickly determine the most appropriate hardware you may require for any installation task you undertake.

Client - Server configurationStreaming server availability
Groups of video streamsVideo streamsVideo streams specification (Recording and Live view)Recording settingsDelete group
CompressionResolutionFPSBitrateMotion Detection sourceSoftware VCARecording trigger eventsPre recording durationFPS when no motionDays To store
Specify GPU configuration:
Recommend me CPU
Specify Servers CPU Specify Clients CPU

Recomended licence type:
Server Hardware Recommendations
Number of Servers CPU model Server OS Number of cameras per Server RAM per Server Network bandwidth per Server Storage size per Server Storage write speed
Client Hardware Recommendations
Number of Clients CPU model Client OS Number of cameras per Client RAM per Client Network bandwidth per Client Graphic board
Graphic board